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History Research Guide

A subject research guide for history.


This guide is designed to help you find and use resources relating to the field of history. Use the tabs to the left to navigate this research guide.

The Reference Works, Databases, and Digital Collections pages visible on the left navigation bar, contain materials relating to World (non-U.S.) historical materials and resources.

The separate United States page on the left has sub-pages on Reference Works, Databases, and Digital Collections focused solely on U.S. history and its peoples. 

Remember that history is an interdisciplinary field and that research guides on other subjects may also be helpful in your research. In particular, CSUCI's research guides on Africana Studies, Art & Art History, Chicana/o Studies, and Primary Sources are highly recommended for interdisciplinary studies.

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Icon of a phone inside a blue circle.  Call (805) 437-3362 to speak to a librarian during open library hours

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Icon of calendar inside a blue circle.   Schedule a one on one research appointment

Icon of an outline of a person inside a blue circle.   Visit the Writing & Multiliteracy Center at Broome Library

Icon of an outline of a person inside a blue circle.   Visit the Learning Resource Center at Broome Library

Icon of a magnifying glass inside a blue circle.   Search Broome Library's LibAnswers FAQs