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DEIAJ Resources: Blogs & News, Podcasts, & TED Talks

This guide is intended to provide short curated lists of reading, watching, and listening recommendations for various affinity celebrations held at the CSU Channel Islands campus.

Blogs & News, Podcasts, TED Talks: About this page

Stories matter because they build our connections and relationships with people and ideas. The vast range of human experience, the past, present and future are woven into stories. The content of stories can be literal or metaphorical, poetic or prosaic, but the human voice enlivens them. While some stories are difficult to absorb, they are moments in which growth happens. They are authentic accounts of how someone lived through an experience, was changed, and that change is an invitation to think and act for personal growth.

Blogs & News

Anti-Racism Library logo Anti-Racism Daily []


rethinking schools logoRethinking Schools []
Since its inception in 1986, Rethinking Schools is firmly committed to equity and to the vision that public education is central to the creation of a humane, caring, multiracial democracy. The magazine, Rethinking Schools is available to the CSU CI community.


1619 Project logo1619 Project []
Begun in 2019, the 1619 Project examines the history and legacy of slavery in the United States. Its date of inception was planned to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Africans to the shores of a land that would become the United States of America.


Code Switch logoCode Switch []
Code Switch explores, through unflinching conversation, the ways in which race is entwined in all aspects of society and culture.


Lynching in America logoLynching in America []
The podcast at Lynching in America contains difficult stories from the descendants of families whose lives were wrenched apart by the lynching of family members.


Natl. Education Assn. logoSchool Me (Podcast) []
The School Me Podcast provides lesson plan ideas, classroom management tips, and other ideas for educators. The School Me Podcast is a product of the National Education Association.


StoryCorps logoStoryCorps []
StoryCorps contains conversations that examine the connections between people, and the important things in life, and the importance of life.

TED Talks

An interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter
Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, 2016

Racism has a cost for everyone
Heather C. McGhee, 2019

Color blind or color brave?
Mellody Hobson, 2014

The symbols of systemic racism — and how to take away their power
Paul Rucker, 2018

How to raise a Black son in America
Clint Smith, 2015

The urgency of intersectionality
Kimberlé Crenshaw, 2016

Me Too is a movement, not a moment
Tarana Burke, 2019

Tarana Burke - TED

How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time
Baratunde Thurston, 2019

The racial politics of time
Brittney Cooper, 2016

Does racism affect how you vote?
Nate Silver, 2009

The real story of Rosa Parks — and why we need to confront myths about black history
David Ikard, 2020

We need to address the real roots of racial violence
Megan Ming Francis, 2015

Invest in social change
Toby Eccles, 2013

How America's public schools keep kids in poverty
Kandice Sumner, 2015

How to build an antiracist world
Ibram X. Kendi, 2020

How to overcome apathy and find your power
Dolores Huerta, 2018