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OER Basics

Everything you need to know when getting started working with OER, from what OER is to how to use it, copyright protections and general information.

OER Librarian

OER Librarian

Are you having a hard time finding OER? Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of OER repositories and options available? Do you have copyright questions about fair use or creative commons? 

Then you have come to the right place. The Broome Library houses not only resources for you and your students but also a librarian specifically dedicated to any and all OER questions. 

Jeff Benedetti-Coomber is the OER Librarian at the CSUCI campus and can help with any of the questions above and more.



Phone: 805.437.3330 


Affordable Learning Solutions Coordinators:

Jeff Benedetti-Coomber
Open Educational Resources Librarian
Thomas Clobes
Assistant Professor of HealthScience
Jacob Jenkins, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication
Janet Pinkley
Head of Access Services