Need help finding existing resources?
On the Contact page there is a space to email and/or make appointments with the OER Librarian Jeff Benedetti-Coomber. He can help conduct research to see what already exists or advise resources to look at.
This page is dedicated to providing short lists of resources that will be helpful to anyone wanting to find OER materials. As of 2024 there is no one single source to find OER materials and not every resources shows up in every database. For example if I was searching MERLOT and OASIS for the same subject I would end up with different results. This is where subject libguides are often a great resources because they compile the best resources on one page. In the coming months a new OER subject guide will be created with an extensive list of resources. In the meantime here are helpful links for anyone starting, updating or just interested in what OER is currently out there.
OER Textbooks Sites
These sites are focused only on OER textbooks.
OpenStax A OER site focused on textbooks and run through Rice University. OpenStax offers specifically OER textbooks that are open licensed and made as base texts meaning they are meant to be edited and tailors to meet the needs of individual instructors.
Open Textbook Library Run through the University of Minnesota this site offers a wealth of OER textbooks with various open licenses and subjects.
BC Campus Open Publishing A site from British Columbia Campus with various resources for finding existing or creating your own OER
General OER Sites
These sites offer a vast amount of resources not only textbooks
MERLOT Run through CSU Long Beach this is a OER database that covers many different subjects and materials including existing OER courses.
Cool4Ed Another great site with a wealth of resources.
OASIS Run by the University of Illinois this an OER search database
OER Commons A massive site with plenty of materials from K-university level
MIT Opencourseware (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content.
OER Subject Libguides
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