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Biology Research Guide


The Virtual Desktop Infrastructure allows access to computer applications and programs required for courses. A virtual desktop means that nothing should be saved in that environment. Save all your work to your own computer or a cloud service. You could also email files to yourself. Instructions for using the VDI:

Below are some screen captures of the process so you know more or less what to expect. THE URL for the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is:

00 The Virtual Desktop Infrastructure page

URL for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

01 VDI Connection Requirement

In order for the applications and programs, they must have access to your computer.

Connection requirement

02 Login with CI Dolphin Credentials

CI Dolphin credentials

03 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Warning

Two conditions guide your use of the virtual desktop:

  1. 1. Do not save any work or files to the virtual environment.
  2. 2. The Virtual Desktop hours are 6 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

Virtual desktop is transient

04 The Virtual Desktop

You have arrived at the Virtual Desktop. If your application is not displayed, type the name of your application in the search box, lower left of screen.

Look for program