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Data & Statistics

A guide to both publicly available and CSUCI-affiliated data and statistics.


California by Darren Barone from the Noun Project; A black and white outline of the state of California.California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office MIS Data Mart is an online data resource supported by the California Department of Education, EdSource, and the Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team (FCMAT). The resource is designed to offer access to comprehensive data about K-12 education in California.

Access TipsRequires users to create queries, ask a librarian if you need additional help using this database.

Children Now is an organization supporting child welfare and education in California. The site provides research, statistics, and reports relating to education, abuse, child welfare, and other policy issues.

DataQuest The California Department of Education's online resource that provides access to a wide variety of data reports and files for download. It includes information about students, teachers, schools, test scores, and more.

Ed-Data is an online data resource supported by the California Department of Education, EdSource, and the Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team (FCMAT). The resource is designed to offer access to comprehensive data about K-12 education in California.

Rand California RAND State Statistics contains California social science databases and holds data on the following topics: population/demographics, health care, crime, economics, transportation, labor, education, energy, and government finance.

Access Tips: This is a CSUCI paid database and requires a myCI login for access.

United States

United States Department of Education Data & Statistics offers a variety of data about education and students of all levels, k-12 through college. The site includes large, downloadable datasets, fast facts (perfect for quick citations) and links to other agencies that host related educational policies and documents, like FAFSA and FERPA.

DATA.GOV is the central repository for a wide variety of data produced by federally funded and government agencies. Although it may not house all government data (some may still be stored on institutional sites), this is an excellent starting point when searching for national data. The site has a user-friendly interface and contains data on a variety of subject including consumers, education, finance, manufacturing, and public safety.


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Data charts, maps, tables, and related publications in a user-friendly, searchable database. Covers a variety of topics, such as agriculture, development, economy, education, energy, environment, finance, government, health, technology, employment, and social issues.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Statistics provides access to the OECD statistics based on the data from the above database. Allows users to browse by themes, countries, or both. Also has links to the wider OECD library which contains a variety of reports, manuals, and other information about the statistics and how to use them.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute of Statistics UNESCO's portal and tool package for data and statistics relating to education, science, technology, culture, and communication from more than 200 countries.

Access Tips: Use the "Explore Themes" tab on the left to browse data sets and resources.